The Ohio Morgan Owners Group
Dedicated to Keeping Morgans on the Road
…and having fun.
We are pleased to provide this information and background on our club in the hope that your enthusiasm for this unique sports car translates into joining our membership. You'll find OH MOG to be a friendly and welcoming group.
You may already own a Morgan but have questions about its performance, maintenance or restoration. Or perhaps you’re already knowledgeable about these unique cars and just want to socialize with like-minded people. Or again, maybe you’ve always admired the classic lines of the Morgan, largely unchanged since 1959 or so, and have yearned to own one. What ever is your circumstance OH MOG can help with any of these and share some new thrills as well!
First, about us:
OH MOG was founded in the 1970’s, growing from informal beginnings into the registered non-profit corporation that exists today. Today’s Club has about 70 memberships / 130 people and gets together on a scheduled basis 3 or 4 times a year with high participation of spouses. These events are publicized thru our newsletter OhMoggie which is mailed out three times per year.
Annually our events are: 1) a Holiday Party – held in January to avoid conflicts with the Christmas parties so plentiful in December; 2) a Spring Meet or Icebreaker Party usually held in April or early May; 4) an Annual Meet which in recent years has been in the Fall, generally in September or October.
From time to time individual members host smaller regional get togethers on an informal basis. These can be as spontaneous as someone organizing a Sunday drive and dinner out with other couples simply because “a beautiful sunny day is forecast this weekend” or a cookout schedule a few weeks in advance or a cocktail party hosted at someone’s home. Mini-group participation in the ever-more-popular British Car Days shows around the region are another frequent activity (and often the way perspective new members first learn about OH MOG!)
Technical Support and Assistance
Our main objective is to have fun while enjoying our Morgan cars. Obviously, the cars are the most fun when they’re running. To this end, we have a pretty elaborate network of technical support for members needing it. This includes a technical advisor willing to help troubleshoot problems via the telephone, members in different geographies who are willing to share their time, garage facilities or site visit ailing Morgans and other members who can help network via the Internet with far-flung Morgan parts suppliers and agents here in America and overseas.
If you’re at the “searching for a Morgan to buy” stage, again OH MOG can help. Our newsletter runs a Morgans for Sale column in nearly every issue. And, individuals in our Club often know not only of Morgans currently for sale, but can advise about the condition, work needed and realistic pricing of such cars.
Regalia, Artwork and Badges
Part of the fun of belonging is displaying the Club badge on your car. We have a beautiful chrome/colored enamel badge custom made for us in England which members can buy for their cars that is once again available. Each year’s annual meet produces a framable poster of about 18” x 36” which look really terrific when matted & framed for the wall in your study or den. These items are available courtesy of a professional graphics artists and a similarly dedicated professional printing/graphics supply company owner. Periodically, we produced sports clothing such as caps, sweaters or shirts imprinted with our Club logo. The logo is also on file with Land’s End and can be applied on almost anything in their catalog. Again, all of these items give us another mode of expressing our affection for Morgans and enjoyment with OhMog.
How to Join OH MOG
Does all this sound worthwhile to you? Different people expect and want different needs to be fulfilled from their British Car hobby. Our Club has managed to sustain itself for over 25 years. Our membership has evolved – right now, there are some members who began with the Club in the 1970’s, many who joined up in the 1980’s and quite a few who just started participating in the past several years. It’s simple to join us, just contact us via the button below and we'll take it from there.
Dedicated to Keeping Morgans on the Road
…and having fun.
We are pleased to provide this information and background on our club in the hope that your enthusiasm for this unique sports car translates into joining our membership. You'll find OH MOG to be a friendly and welcoming group.
You may already own a Morgan but have questions about its performance, maintenance or restoration. Or perhaps you’re already knowledgeable about these unique cars and just want to socialize with like-minded people. Or again, maybe you’ve always admired the classic lines of the Morgan, largely unchanged since 1959 or so, and have yearned to own one. What ever is your circumstance OH MOG can help with any of these and share some new thrills as well!
First, about us:
OH MOG was founded in the 1970’s, growing from informal beginnings into the registered non-profit corporation that exists today. Today’s Club has about 70 memberships / 130 people and gets together on a scheduled basis 3 or 4 times a year with high participation of spouses. These events are publicized thru our newsletter OhMoggie which is mailed out three times per year.
Annually our events are: 1) a Holiday Party – held in January to avoid conflicts with the Christmas parties so plentiful in December; 2) a Spring Meet or Icebreaker Party usually held in April or early May; 4) an Annual Meet which in recent years has been in the Fall, generally in September or October.
From time to time individual members host smaller regional get togethers on an informal basis. These can be as spontaneous as someone organizing a Sunday drive and dinner out with other couples simply because “a beautiful sunny day is forecast this weekend” or a cookout schedule a few weeks in advance or a cocktail party hosted at someone’s home. Mini-group participation in the ever-more-popular British Car Days shows around the region are another frequent activity (and often the way perspective new members first learn about OH MOG!)
Technical Support and Assistance
Our main objective is to have fun while enjoying our Morgan cars. Obviously, the cars are the most fun when they’re running. To this end, we have a pretty elaborate network of technical support for members needing it. This includes a technical advisor willing to help troubleshoot problems via the telephone, members in different geographies who are willing to share their time, garage facilities or site visit ailing Morgans and other members who can help network via the Internet with far-flung Morgan parts suppliers and agents here in America and overseas.
If you’re at the “searching for a Morgan to buy” stage, again OH MOG can help. Our newsletter runs a Morgans for Sale column in nearly every issue. And, individuals in our Club often know not only of Morgans currently for sale, but can advise about the condition, work needed and realistic pricing of such cars.
Regalia, Artwork and Badges
Part of the fun of belonging is displaying the Club badge on your car. We have a beautiful chrome/colored enamel badge custom made for us in England which members can buy for their cars that is once again available. Each year’s annual meet produces a framable poster of about 18” x 36” which look really terrific when matted & framed for the wall in your study or den. These items are available courtesy of a professional graphics artists and a similarly dedicated professional printing/graphics supply company owner. Periodically, we produced sports clothing such as caps, sweaters or shirts imprinted with our Club logo. The logo is also on file with Land’s End and can be applied on almost anything in their catalog. Again, all of these items give us another mode of expressing our affection for Morgans and enjoyment with OhMog.
How to Join OH MOG
Does all this sound worthwhile to you? Different people expect and want different needs to be fulfilled from their British Car hobby. Our Club has managed to sustain itself for over 25 years. Our membership has evolved – right now, there are some members who began with the Club in the 1970’s, many who joined up in the 1980’s and quite a few who just started participating in the past several years. It’s simple to join us, just contact us via the button below and we'll take it from there.